Welcome to Sakyant Bangkok

Welcome to Sakyant Bangkok

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What is Sakyant?

Sakyant is an invitation to the Triple Gem, namely the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha into us.

1) Buddha being the highest above all, in and on our head.

2) Inviting the parents.
To come to the left and right of our shoulders, for them to protect and take care of us because there is no best blessing besides parents.

3)Invitation of the teachers, who performed the ceremony in the middle of the heart.
As when, you do something, think of the teacher first, which will come to help you for things that you’re are doing, making such things smoother and making you successful in your endeavors.

4) The invitation of Yantras, characters, spells, and magic (Wicha) to cover the whole body.
To protect and to heal the body from all harm, danger and inauspicious calamities which we might meet each day.
Safety from all dangers, to be merciful and be loved by all.
The above are just some examples, which in general, people seek for, however, the sakyant can also be tailored to your specific needs if required.

It can be seen that after receiving the Sakyant, you must remember the four things mentioned above.
Always remember to keep praying, meditating and dedicating merits to teachers, that has passed away, in which this magical sakyant has been passed down from. The owner of the sakyant, has to keep these dear to his heart and his mind from the past to the present, so that this magical sakyant, will help bless you. As remembering and paying homage to teachers and masters are the most important aspect in any faith.

And if always remembered, whenever you require any assistance or advice, the teachers and masters will be there for you.

However, after mentioning the above, one must also be mindful, that this ancient art of sakyant is done in the right way, and that the master whom you seek does indeed possess such knowledge and wicha in him, not just anyone whom copy and pastes sakyant pictures and only knows how to do a sakyant tattoo.
As all sakyants, must be activated by a certain spell and a certain wicha, knowing how to tattoo and copying just a similar sakyant picture and getting anyone to ink it on your body, would not only not help you, but bring you down.

Also always note that, not remembering the teachers, not praying to monks, meditating and not having faith, it’s like hurting yourself without any benefit.


It’s a belief and faith that has been with Thailand for a long time. Every Thai person knows Sakyant. Because this is one of the ancient cultures of Thailand. That we all love and have faith in since the ancient times, these subjects were one of the subjects of protecting the country and was recorded in an ancient scripture called (phi chai song kram พิชัยสงคราม ) which will be recorded in a type of book made from the bark of the Khoi tree (book koy สมุดข่อย ) which will record stories of organizing troops to fight and calculating the stars to see good and bad days. Astrology House building subject look at the directions that make residents happy, healing subjects, magic spells, yantra.
Learning about the past makes us understand that Sakyant means understanding nature, the four elements of earth, water, fire, wind and harnessing the energy of nature. To drive the energy that arises from the meditation practice of the magic student and bring it to be charged and inscribed in the yantra. This creates priceless energy. This is just a small part. of intelligence of the ancestors who jointly recorded Book of magic Because memorization cannot make the yantra generate energy Students must know how to concentrate. calm your mind Do it correctly. to elevate the spirit of learners and leads to the highest meaning of life is emptiness (nirvana).

Exclusive for you!!!

Come join us for an amazing experience with Bangkok Traditional Sakyant done by Master Tor. He would like to invite you to experience the ancient culture of Thailand that will make you even want to know how special it is. Therefore, You will get to know the ancient science of sakyantra and the original sakyantra method of Thailand done by Master Tor, he is the 4th generation inheritor of the ancient technique and the inheritor of the ancient technique that has been around for more than 200 years. In Year of Thailand, You will feel strength and Magical energy that you have never experienced before with this ancient magic that will make your trip unforgettable.

Uncover the Ancient Secrets of a 200-Year-Old Book of Magic!!!

Passed down through generations, this sacred script holds the key to unlock mystical powers.
Which embark on a journey of wonder and discovery.

book magic, a sacred book that records magic (katha) (yantra) that Master Tor has inherited from his ancestors, masters and currently he is the keeper of more than 200 books of book magic of masters, and he is considered to be a master (karawas) who has One of the most magical scriptures in Thailand.
A traditional old school real Sakyant was pass down from the old generation Grandmaster with an old school script which have all the basic Sakyant Design as a template and Our Sakyant Master Tor who can modifies Sakyant meaning by changing the spell to suit the individual specific wishes and desires by the luskit.
This is why you can not get an Authentic Sakyant from any of the Tattoo artist; who can not read the magical script.
As all Master has different of script to be learn and also all Master came from different lineage.
The old school traditional script includes of catching of spirit, magical healing from sickness and also all the katta which Master Tor had learn was from old school traditional script.
Common practice which Master will do is to understand your need to have sakyant in order to help you and from there he will choose for your the Sakyant which suit you.

Master Arjan Tor

All Sakyant, given by Arjan Tor at his Samnak, are all traditional and follow the olden scriptures and lana wicha being passed down since 200 years ago.

No form of modified sakyants or any other sakyants, self designed or modified otherwise, not in the teachings of Arjan Tor, will be accepted in Arjan Tor’s samnak.

Arjan Tor, prides himself in his knowledge of sakynant and wicha, which was traditionally passed down and learnt through all his Masters, in the traditional way and ancient forms.

You should consult personally with Arjan Tor, on the issues that you might be facing in life or what aspects of life you would like to focus on and improve.
Arjan Tor, would then discuss a specific or even if required a specially customised sakyant to suit your requirements, in order for you to achieve the best results in life after getting the sakyant.

Arjan Tor, prides himself in helping all whom seek him, and making sure whatever sakyant being inked onto your body would be efficacious, and help you in your life, be it in your work, family, or even spiritually.

Arjan Tor, also prides himself in learning everything and doing everything in the traditional ways which has been passed down over to him for generations upon generations from famous masters, wanting all his sakyants wicha, when placed on the body of those seeking them to help, guide them and increase aspects of their life.

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